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ProductsProduct Details
Three boxes of hot and cold impact test machine (gas type) [TS]

1.The system uses high-temperature energy storage tank for storage, according to the need to open the appropriate action (cold punch, hot punch, often rushed) valve in order to achieve the effect of rapid impact.

2.Imported LCD color touch screen + PLC control, simple operation.

3.With shock temperature record  (CVS format), multiple security features.

4.For testing the material structure or composite material in the instant case by the extremely high temperatures and extremely low temperature of continuous environment can bear, in order to test in the shortest time chemical changes or physical damage due to thermal expansion and contraction caused by it.

Rule parameters

shock temperature range:low temperature -65 ℃, -55 ℃, -45 ℃ ~ 0 ℃;temperature 65 ℃ ~ 150 ℃

Inner tank capacity:49L, 80L, 150L or customized specifications

Optional:recorder, glass windows, water-cooled or air-cooled condensing mode

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