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How high and low temperature impact test chamber device?
Date:2015/06/30 Read:1637

Like all ring test devices with refrigerants, no skew not upside down, around, each with more than 1M the machine away from heat, to prevent direct sunlight, ground to the level of equipment to use water, electricity, drainage all ready. Also, the device must not be placed in the water and wet places, since too much humidity will manipulate parts and adverse effect. Power supply voltage is too low to place the transformer should be provided to increase the voltage rating, not because the voltage is too low to launch and burned compressor.

High and low temperature impact test chamber into air and water, if you purchase the water-cooled equipment, shall be equipped with a cooling tower, water equipment cooling capacity to see the size in terms of your purchase. Specific circumstances can communicate with the manufacturers. Here are some preliminary preparatory work, ready after debugging device that allows manufacturers to come up.

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